Strong Finish… Brilliant Start! Your End-of-Year Real Estate Playbook

Oct 02, 2024

Strong Finish… Brilliant Start!

Your End-of-Year Real Estate Playbook

The air is crisp, the holidays are looming, and 2024 is in its final act. But for real estate pros, this isn't the time to wind down – it's time to double down and secure a brilliant start to 2025.

This is your playbook for a strong finish to the year, setting the stage for explosive growth in the new year.

  1. Sell Out Your Stock (and Avoid "Listing Constipation")

The goal is simple: sell everything you can before the year ends. This creates momentum and positions you as an agent who sells, not just lists. Avoid the dreaded "listing constipation" – that feeling of being overwhelmed with listings and neglecting new business. Remember: faster stock is always entering the market.

Pro Tip: Implement the "green, amber, red" system for stock management. Green listings are destined to sell this week. Amber? Get them to green. Red? Bring in a third party for a fresh perspective and move them to amber, then green.

  1. Landlord Wow: Build Relationships for Retention and Referrals

December and January are turbulent times in property management. Focus on "landlord wow" – proactive relationship building. Instead of reacting to problems, make "good news calls." This boosts retention, generates referrals to your sales team, and positions you as a trusted advisor.

  1. "Park the Car on the Hill": Prepare for a Fast Start

Visualise your ideal start to 2025. What does that first week look like? Have campaigns ready to launch, listing appointments lined up, and pipeline sellers primed for action. This is "parking the car on the hill" – ensuring you hit the ground running in the new year.

  1. Embrace the Early Mover Advantage

Capitalise on the early-year energy. Buyers are motivated, they’ve had time to think through their plans, and typically the search engines go crazy in the new year!  You have the opportunity to seize marketshare before the competition heats up. This is your "explode onto the marketplace" moment.

  1. Plan Your 2025 Success Now

Don't wait for the new year to start planning. Use this quarter to build your 2025 plan. Identify your goals, key projects, and quick wins. This proactive approach sets you up for a focused and successful year.

Bonus Tip: Consider the "Expat Holidays" strategy. Connect with your pipeline sellers in early December and offer to list their property online during the holiday season, targeting holidaymakers and expats. This can generate early interest and potentially lead to a quick sale in the new year.

This is your time. Finish 2024 strong and launch into 2025 with unstoppable momentum. You’re ready to take your real estate business to the next level.

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