Building Momentum: Key Lessons from the 90-Day Race MasterMind

Sep 29, 2024

Brilliant Starts and Strong Finishes: Fueling Your Real Estate Success in 2025

The final quarter of any year is full of activity, a time for reflection, celebration, and strategic planning for the year ahead. In the dynamic world of real estate, this period is particularly crucial. It's a time to ensure a strong finish to the current year while laying the groundwork for a brilliant start in 2025.

The Power of Perspective: White Arrows and Red Arrows

One of the most impactful concepts discussed during our recent The Business of Real Estate event was the metaphor of "white arrows and red arrows." This simple yet profound idea, shared by the insightful Milo Wilkinson, illustrates how we perceive others and ourselves. White arrows represent positive attributes and actions, while red arrows symbolise negativity. When red arrows outweigh the white, it becomes challenging to see anything but the negative.

This metaphor serves as a powerful reminder to focus on the positive and to be mindful of the impact our words and actions have on others. As leaders in the real estate industry, it's essential to cultivate a culture of positivity and support within our teams. By recognising and appreciating the strengths of our team members, we can create an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated to achieve their best.

Hydration: The Key to Peak Performance

Another key takeaway from BizRE was the importance of hydration. It's easy to overlook the impact of dehydration on our physical and mental well-being. However, as Milo highlighted, even a slight 2% dehydration can lead to a significant 40% decrease in energy levels.

Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining focus, productivity, and overall health. It's a simple yet often neglected aspect of self-care that can have a profound impact on our performance. So, grab your water bottle and make sure you're drinking enough throughout the day. Your body and mind will thank you!

Impact: The Word of the Week

In line with the focus on positivity and achieving our goals, the word of the week is "impact." This powerful word encapsulates the essence of what we strive for in the real estate industry. We want to make a positive impact on our clients, our teams, and our communities.

By setting clear goals, implementing effective strategies, and continuously learning and growing, we can create a lasting impact that extends far beyond the transaction. Let's embrace the word "impact" and make it our guiding principle as we navigate the final quarter of 2024 and embark on a new year of possibilities.

Brilliant Start, Strong Finish: Setting the Stage for 2025

As we approach the end of 2024, it's essential to adopt a dual mindset: ensuring a strong finish to the current year while laying the groundwork for a brilliant start in 2025. This requires strategic planning, clear communication, and a focus on key priorities.

For Sales Teams:

  • Stock Sellout: Aim for a complete sellout of current stock by the end of the year. This creates a sense of accomplishment and positions the team for a fresh start in the new year.
  • Early Move Advantage: Develop strategies to capitalise on the early months of the year, when buyer activity tends to be high. This could involve pre-listing activities, targeted marketing campaigns, and proactive outreach to potential sellers.
  • Track Record of Success: Emphasise the team's track record of getting properties sold, not just listed. This builds trust and confidence with potential clients.
  • Green, Amber, Red Stock Management: Implement a clear system for categorising and prioritising listings based on their likelihood of selling. This ensures that resources are allocated effectively and that all listings receive the attention they deserve.

For Property Management Teams:

  • Landlord Wow: Focus on exceeding landlord expectations through proactive communication, exceptional service, and personalised attention. This fosters strong relationships and encourages referrals.
  • Relationship Banking: Build trust and rapport with landlords through regular check-ins, good news calls, and proactive problem-solving. This creates a sense of partnership and loyalty.
  • Tenant Wow: Extend the "wow" experience to tenants through seamless onboarding, responsive communication, and thoughtful gestures of appreciation. This enhances tenant satisfaction and encourages lease renewals.

Learning and Development: Fueling Growth

Continuous learning and development are essential for staying ahead in the ever-evolving real estate industry. Take advantage of the various training programs and workshops available, such as the PM Leaders Mastermind, Sales Mastermind, Operations Think Tank, and Future Leaders Mastermind. These programs provide valuable insights, strategies, and networking opportunities that can help you and your team achieve new levels of success.

The 90-Day Race: Making Every Day Count

The final quarter of the year is a 90-day race to the finish line. It's a time to focus, execute, and achieve your goals. Use the 90-Day Race tool to break down your goals into actionable steps, track your progress, and celebrate your successes along the way.

Key Considerations for the 90-Day Race:

  • Set Clear Goals and Targets: Define what you want to achieve in the final quarter and establish measurable targets to track your progress.
  • Identify Themes and Shifts: Determine the overarching themes that will guide your actions and the key shifts you need to make to achieve your goals.
  • Outline Key Projects: Identify the most important projects that will contribute to your success and allocate resources accordingly.
  • Focus on Quick Wins: Implement strategies that can generate immediate results and build momentum.
  • Investigate and Cleanup: Address any outstanding issues or areas for improvement to ensure a smooth transition into the new year.
  • Prioritise Learning and Development: Encourage your team to participate in relevant training programs and workshops to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Embrace the Challenge and Seize the Opportunity

The final quarter of 2024 presents both a challenge and an opportunity. By embracing the challenge and implementing the strategies outlined above, you can achieve a strong finish to the year and set the stage for a brilliant start in 2025. Remember, the power of an idea lies in its implementation. So, take action, stay focused, and make every day count. The future of your real estate success is in your hands!

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